800-856-3333 24-Hour Emergency Hotline


What you can rely on. Our BELFOR Corporate Values determine how we deal with you and your property. For us, value and assets, economy and moral are inseparably linked. This will give you the security
• that we will actively and conscientiously support you before, during and after an event of damage;
• that we will always offer you tailored problem solutions at fair prices;
• that we will meet complex challenges with clearly structured work flows and an efficient use of labour;
• that we will quickly and conscientiously bring every job to a successful completion;
• that we will continuously document any activities;
• that we will permanently scrutinize our processes and, if necessary, correct them.

Warum wir das tun?
Weil wir auf unserem Arbeitsgebiet weltweit die Besten sein und es auch bleiben wollen. Damit Sie und alle übrigen Kunden sich hundertprozentig auf uns verlassen können!