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How we protect our environment.

All the companies of the BELFOR Group naturally are committed to respect the environment in a particular way. This means in detail:

  • We always use the most environmentally friendly and resources-conserving restoration processes, e.g. the soot removal film particularly developed for fire damage restoration which encapsulates pollutants, removes them dust-free and hardly requires any water.
  • We meticulously comply with all national and international environment protection acts. This includes the EU Directive 2004/35/EC for the avoidance of environmental damage as well as the German environmental impairment act from 2007. This act obliges every company to start restoration measures in case of threatening environmental damage.  If this obligation is not met, the company may be held responsible.

Why do we do all this?
Because we do not only bear the economic success of our business activities in mind but also their impact on environment and society.  We are absolutely sure that we always contribute to safeguarding the future and increasing the value of our own company when we act in this way.