800-856-3333 24-Hour Emergency Hotline

Code of Compliance

Where we get our bearings from.

The BELFOR Code of Compliance completes our code of values by concrete instructions how to deal with certain situations - without limiting the personal responsibility of an individual employee.

This will give you the security
• that any work to be performed will be contractually fixed before being carried out;
• that we will comprehensibly document any work and business processes;
• that every DeHaDe employee will comply with the relevant laws and regulations for his job;
• that we will treat confidential data in strict confidence and protect them from being accessed by third parties. This particularly applies to electronic data for the handling of which BELFOR have developed a particular IT Code
• that we will give safety at work and accident prevention top priority and in doing so voluntarily often exceed the statutory standards;
• that we will treat all our customers, business partners, female and male colleagues with respect.

Why do we do all this?
We attach great importance to the fact that you do not only regard us as excellent machine restorers but also as excellent business partners.